Back in November '09 the craft editor over at Country Living magazine happened upon my blog post about a
terrarium I had constructed out of old photo frames. She passed it on to the managing editor and they liked it so much they decided to feature it in the magazine. It's been a great experience working with them. I built two of these at various stages of completion and shipped them to New York for them to photograph and assemble. We worked back and forth to simplify my two full pages of instructions on how to get it just right, there is only so much room in a magazine.
I haven't seen the spread yet but from what I understand it's going to take up two pages in the April issue, so be sure and pick up a copy if you aren't a subscriber. Be sure and let me know if you decide to make one of these, I would love to see photos!

UPDATE: Mrs. Hughes just sent me the link to the Cottage Living DIY project, it popped up on their website today: magazine should hit stands this week.